Phyteau is a biotech spin-out from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, CALTECH and UCLA in California, led by a highly experienced team.
Phyteau is a powerful weight loss and diabetes pill which drives better outcomes at a lower cost compared to current injectable, GLP-1 products.
Phyteau takes a revolutionary new approach to diabetes and other metabolic conditions, we are developing completely safe and effective therapeutics to give people control over their metabolism, blood sugar and weight. Our approach represents a new class of incretin-based therapy for diabetes, obesity and related metabolic conditions like NASH, NAFLD and prediabetes. Unlike many treatments in the market today, we can produce treatments that are completely safe, non-toxic and free of adverse side-effects.

Phyteau’s new incretin approach activates the body’s metabolic hormone system to release therapeutic levels of key hormones, including GLP-1, PYY, OXM and CCK, to improve blood sugar processing, reduce blood sugar peaks after meals and increase satiety. Our therapeutics work inside the gut and are designed to restrict systemic exposure producing an exceptional safety profile. Developed at CALTECH, UCLA and Cedars Sinai Medical Center, this first-of-its-kindtherapy leverages the enteroendocrine system to restore hormonal homeostasis to reverse diabetes and metabolic conditions increasing health, quality of life and longevity, and reducing comorbidities.
Metabolic diseases, like diabetes and obesity, are a large and growing problem worldwide, affecting several hundred million people. Our new approach not only looks to stem this metabolic pandemic and improve lives around the world, but does so safely and at reasonable cost.


Prof Stephen Pandol, M.D.
Co-Founder, Chairman and CSO
- Prof. of Medicine, UCLA
- Director of Basic and Translational Pancreas Research, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- President of the American Pancreatic Association, 2013-2014
- Co-Founder, Lucid XR (Cancer diagnostics) and of Avenzoar
- Lifetime Achievement Award, the American Pancreatic Association
- Over 500 papers And 8 patents

Bonn Macy
Co-Founder, CEO
- Former management consultant with McKinsey & Co. and BoozAllen
- 25+ years experience in stategy,
corporate planning, finance - US Presidential appointee
- Education:B.S., Columbia University;
M.S., Columbia University;
M.Sc., London School of Economics - Additional graduate studies at University of Stockholm, University of Vienna, London Business School

Prof Hongxiang Hui, M.D, Ph.D.
- Director and Prof. of the International Metabolic Medicine Center at China Southern Meaical University
- Advisor to Chinese government
- Chief Scientific Officer, China Health Promotion Foundation, Beijing
- Associate Professor, UCLA Medical School
- Chief Medical Advisor, NutraLife Biosciences
- Over 250 papers, 12 professional books and 13 patents on metabolic and cancer studies

Prof Pedro Tetteroo, Ph.D.
- Former General Manager and VP, Centocor (acquired by Johnson & Johnson for $4.9 billion)
- Brought blockbuster drug, Remicade, to market
- Advisor to Minister of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands
- Adjunct Prof. of Biochemistry, University College Cork
- Board, Leiden Bio Science Park; Governance Committee of Leiden University

Prof Ravinder Abrol, Ph.D.
- Faculty, California State Univ., Northridge
- Formerly of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Depts of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
- Caltech, Director of Biomacromolecular, Materials & Process Simulation Center
- Editor, International Journal of Chemical Physics, and Journal of Biophysics
- Expertise: Molecular & Receptor Pharmacology, Molecular Mechanisms

Prof Yuan-Ping Han, Ph.D.
- Prof. of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Sichuan University, Chengdu
- Visiting Faculty: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- Formerly Faculty of USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Southern California Research Center for Alcoholic Liver and Pancreatic Diseases
- USC Research Center for Liver Diseases

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